Sunday, November 20, 2011


They finally engulf the words in which I have etched
in the warm golden sand.
The white foam of the wave touches my toes,
and sends a cold shiver up my spine.
Warm weathered goose bumps grow across my skin,
and then it is gone.
until the next time the wave creeps up,
and erases my entire foot,
A print which stood there
only a moment ago.

Ch-Ch-Check out my Poem.

Just a Tease

The surviving pine trees
Shiver in the brisk air,
Atop the Rocky Mountains.
They await a blanket of snow
To chill their bones,
Yet bring comfort to their bareness.
The tallest of them reach out-
To touch the inviting clouds.
Their branches like fingers
Grazing the sky.
A Flake of snow drifts down,
The tiny white crystal
Clings to a pine.
It’s just a tease.